About Me

MY name is Coltyn and I was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia at 2 weeks old. I was born on April, 30, 2011 a happy healthy little boy. Then I went to the peditrition and I was getting more jaundice and not gaining weight so I had to have blood drawn and that is when they discoved my liver counts were all very elevated for a newborn. From this point on I was refered to STL Childrens and saw a Liver Specialist there. I had a liver biopsy done when I was 5 weeks old and then my kasai done when I was 6 weeks old. For those that dont know Biliary Atresia is a rare liver disease where the ducts in the liver dont form all the way and bile backs up in the liver damaging it. This disease effects 1 in 20,000. Then 80% of the kiddos with this wind up with a liver transplant before the age of 5. I am going to be in the 20% that dont need a transplant until adult hood.

Friday, January 20, 2012

7 Months post Kasai

So Coltyn is 7 months post kasai!!! WOW my how time flies.  He is still doing really well.  We have noticed that his 2 bottm teeth that have come in went from white to a grayish color.  We talked with GI about this and they told us that it is from his bili levels being so high when he was developing them.  Hopefully his permanent teeth wont be like this.  We are about to end his antibiotic this week so it is kind of nerve racking for me as I dont wat him to get sick with Cholongitis.  If he gets this we will be back in the hospital and we are on a roll right now of 3 months in a row out of the hospital!!! We will see how it goes.  Other then this he is a normal 8 month old.  He is still not crawling but will walk all over the place in his walker.  Over time I am sure this will come. He LOVES his big sister.  She can get him laughing no matter what it is she is doing. I LOVE my kiddos!!!!

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